Foreward Preview

The current issue of RUWAZA AFRIKA JOURNAL has stayed for quite a while in its development stages owing to a number of hiccups; these issues and problems should soon be a thing of the past owing to several attempts made by the editorial board to seek interesting and interested partners who may soon support us so that we may offset publication costs. Furthermore, we have become a reference for a significant number of researchers and scholars, who are jostling for space to have their papers included in the RAJ.


RUWAZA V has endeavored to include eighteen (18) articles in its publication. In the Language, Linguistics, Communication & Media part, there are contributions in Linguistics and Kiswahili studies. In the earlier section Aura presents the results of her doctoral research in Linguistics in which she delves into morphology of the Luwanga verb; operating on the Optimality Theory, this paper demonstrates the constraints that bear upon the possibilities of choice within the structure of the language.

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